Exile - Population Control Remixes (Video)

Coming out of the Plug Research Camp is another newbie from Exile, titled “Population Control.” It's a trippy, mind-bending video scored by Californian troika: Samyiam, Dibiase and Free The Robots who all remixed the same track featured on ‘AM/FM' (Radio rmx album). Inspired by Exile’s “We Are All In Power” video, visual artist Greg “The Dude” Ponstingl created the video, continuing the stop animation theme, using thousands of still images and striking visual effects to make a boombox literally come to life.

The result, another great animated piece with a just as formidable soundtrack, though if you are prone to seizures, look away.

And whilst we're at it, here's what Lilfuchs and Flylo have been upto:

and from The Two. Fifteens' with the direction of Ryan Paterson "Katana Or Tanto" takes the viewer on a vigorous martial arts journey inspired by rare kung-fu films, various psychedelic visuals and post-modern collage art.

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